cryosparcm cli reference

How to use the cryosparcm utility for starting and stopping the CryoSPARC instance, checking status or logs, managing users and using CryoSPARC's command-line interface.

Call methods described in this module directly as arguments to cryosparcm cli or referenced from the cli object in cryosparcm icli.

  • cli example:

cryosparcm cli "enqueue_job(project_uid='P3', job_uid='J42', lane='cryoem1')"
  • icli example:

$ cryosparcm icli

connecting to cryoem5:61002 ...
cli, rtp, db, gfs and tools ready to use

In [1]: cli.enqueue_job(project_uid='P3', job_uid='J42', lane='cryoem1')

In [2]:

add_project_user_access(project_uid: str, requester_user_id: str, add_user_id: str)

Allows owner of a project (or admin) to grant access to another user to view and edit the project

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- uid of the project to grant access to

    • requester_user_id (str) -- _id of the user requesting a new user to be added to the project

    • add_user_id (str) -- uid of the user to add to the project

  • Raises: AssertionError

add_scheduler_lane(name: str, lanetype: str, title: str | None = None, desc: str = '')

Adds a new lane to the master scheduler

  • Parameters:

    • name (str) -- name of the lane

    • lanetype (str) -- type of lane ("cluster" or "node")

    • title (str) -- optional title of the lane

    • desc (str) -- optional description of the lane

add_scheduler_target_cluster(name, worker_bin_path, script_tpl, send_cmd_tpl='{{ command }}', qsub_cmd_tpl='qsub {{ script_path_abs }}', qstat_cmd_tpl='qstat -as {{ cluster_job_id }}', qstat_code_cmd_tpl=None, qdel_cmd_tpl='qdel {{ cluster_job_id }}', qinfo_cmd_tpl='qstat -q', transfer_cmd_tpl='cp {{ src_path }} {{ dest_path }}', cache_path=None, cache_quota_mb=None, cache_reserve_mb=10000, title=None, desc=None)

Add a cluster to the master scheduler

  • Parameters:

    • name (str) -- name of cluster

    • worker_bin_path (str) -- absolute path to 'cryosparc_package/cryosparc_worker/bin' on the cluster

    • script_tpl (str) -- script template string

    • send_cmd_tpl (str) -- send command template string

    • qsub_cmd_tpl (str) -- queue submit command template string

    • qstat_cmd_tpl (str) -- queue stat command template string

    • qdel_cmd_tpl (str) -- queue delete command template string

    • qinfo_cmd_tpl (str) -- queue info command template string

    • transfer_cmd_tpl (str) -- transfer command template string (currently unused)

    • cache_path (str) -- path on SSD that can be used for the cryosparc cache

    • cache_quota_mb (int) -- the max size (in MB) to use for the cache on the SSD

    • cache_reserve_mb (int) -- size (in MB) to set aside for uses other than CryoSPARC cache

    • title (str) -- an optional title to give to the cluster

    • desc (str) -- an optional description of the cluster

  • Returns: configuration parameters for new cluster

  • Return type: dict

add_scheduler_target_node(hostname, ssh_str, worker_bin_path, num_cpus, cuda_devs, ram_mb, has_ssd, cache_path=None, cache_quota=None, cache_reserve=10000, monitor_port=None, gpu_info=None, lane='default', title=None, desc=None)

Adds a worker node to the master scheduler

  • Parameters:

    • hostname (str) -- the hostname of the target worker node

    • ssh_str (str) -- the ssh connection string of the worker node

    • worker_bin_path (str) -- the absolute path to 'cryosparc_package/cryosparc_worker/bin' on the worker node

    • num_cpus (int) -- total number of CPU threads available on the worker node

    • cuda_devs (list) -- total number of cuda-capable devices (GPUs) on the worker node, represented as a list (i.e. range(4))

    • ram_mb (float) -- total available physical ram in MB

    • has_ssd (bool) -- if an ssd is available or not

    • cache_path (str) -- path on SSD that can be used for the cryosparc cache

    • cache_quota (int) -- the max size (in MB) to use for the cache on the SSD

    • cache_reserve (int) -- size (in MB) to initially reserve for the cache on the SSD

    • gpu_info (list) -- compiled GPU information as computed by get_gpu_info

    • lane (str) -- the scheduler lane to add the worker node to

    • title (str) -- an optional title to give to the worker node

    • desc (str) -- an optional description of the worker node

  • Returns: configuration parameters for new worker node

  • Return type: dict

  • Raises: AssertionError

add_tag_to_job(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, tag_uid: str)

Tag the given job with the given tag UID

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- target job UID, e.g., "J42"

    • tag_uid (str) -- target tag UID, e.g., "T1"

  • Returns: contains modified jobs count

  • Return type: dict

add_tag_to_project(project_uid: str, tag_uid: str)

Tag the given project with the given tag

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • tag_uid (str) -- target tag UID, e.g., "T1"

  • Returns: contains modified documents count

  • Return type: dict

add_tag_to_session(project_uid: str, session_uid: str, tag_uid: str)

Tag the given session with the given tag

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • session_uid (str) -- target session UID, e.g., "S1"

    • tag_uid (str) -- target tag UID, e.g., "T1"

  • Returns: contains modified sessions count

  • Return type: dict

add_tag_to_workspace(project_uid: str, workspace_uid: str, tag_uid: str)

Tag the given workspace with the given tag

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (_type_) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • workspace_uid (str) -- target workspace UID, e.g. "W1"

    • tag_uid (str) -- target tag UID, e.g., "T1"

  • Returns: contains modified workspaces count

  • Return type: dict


Returns True if there exists at least one user with admin privileges, False otherwise

  • Returns: Whether an admin exists

  • Return type: bool

archive_project(project_uid: str)

Archive given project. This means that the project can no longer be modified and jobs cannot be created or run. Once archived, the project directory may be safely moved to long-term storage.

  • Parameters: project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

attach_project(owner_user_id: str, abs_path_export_project_dir: str)

Attach a project by importing it from the given path and writing a new lockfile. May only run this on previously-detached projects.

  • Parameters:

    • owner_user_id (str) -- user account ID performing this opertation that will take ownership of imported project.

    • abs_path_export_project_dir (str) -- absolute path to directory of CryoSPARC project to attach

  • Returns: new project UID of attached project

  • Return type: str

calculate_intermediate_results_size(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, always_keep_final: bool = True, use_prt=True)

Find intermediate results, calculate intermediate results total size, save it to the job doc, all in a PostResponseThread

check_project_exists(project_uid: str)

Check that the given project exists and has not been deleted

  • Parameters: project_uid (str) -- unique ID of target project, e.g., "P3"

  • Returns: True if the project exists and hasn't been deleted

  • Return type: bool

check_workspace_exists(project_uid: str, workspace_uid: str)

Returns True if target workspace exists.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • workspace_uid (str) -- target workspace UID, e.g., "W4"

  • Returns: True if the workspace exists, False otherwise

  • Return type: bool

cleanup_data(project_uid: str, workspace_uid: str | None = None, delete_non_final: bool = False, delete_statuses: List[str] = [], clear_non_final: bool = False, clear_sections: List[str] = [], clear_types: List[str] = [], clear_statuses: List[str] = [])

Cleanup project or workspace data, clearing/deleting jobs based on final result status, sections, types, or status

cleanup_jobs(project_uid: str, job_uids_to_delete: List[str], job_uids_to_clear: List[str])

Cleanup jobs helper for cleanup_data

clear_intermediate_results(project_uid: str, workspace_uid: str | None = None, job_uid: str | None = None, always_keep_final: bool | None = True)

Asynchornously remove intermediate results from the given project or job

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • workspace_uid (str*,* optional) -- clear intermediate results for all jobs in a workspace

    • job_uid (str*,* optional) -- target job UID, e.g., "J42", defaults to None

    • always_keep_final (bool*,* optional) -- not used, defaults to True

clear_job(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, nofail=False, isdelete=False)

Clear a job to get it back to building state (do not clear params or inputs)

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- uid of the project that contains the job to clear

    • job_uid (str) -- uid of the job to clear

    • nofail (bool) -- If True, ignores errors that occur while job is clearing, defaults to False

    • isdelete (bool) -- Set to True when the job is about to be deleted, defaults to False

  • Raises: AssertionError

clear_jobs_by_section(project_uid, workspace_uid=None, sections=[])

Clear all jobs from a project belonging to specified sections in the job register, optionally scoped to a workspace

clear_jobs_by_type(project_uid, workspace_uid=None, types=[])

Clear all jobs from a project belonging to specified types, optionally scoped to a workspace

clone_job(project_uid: str, workspace_uid: str | None, job_uid: str, created_by_user_id: str, created_by_job_uid: str | None = None)

Creates a new job as a clone of the provided job

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- project UID

    • workspace_uid (str | None) -- uid of the workspace, may be empty

    • job_uid (str) -- uid of the job to copy

    • created_by_user_id (str) -- the id of the user creating the clone

    • created_by_job_uid (str*,* optional) -- uid of the job creating the clone, defaults to None

  • Returns: the job uid of the newly created clone

  • Return type: str

clone_job_chain(project_uid: str, start_job_uid: str, end_job_uid: str, created_by_user_id: str, workspace_uid: str | None = None, new_workspace_title: str | None = None)

Clone jobs that directly descend from the given start job UID up to the given end job UID. Returns a dict with information about cloned jobs, or None if nothing was cloned

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- project UID where jobs are located, e.g., "P3"

    • start_job_uid (str) -- starting anscestor job UID

    • end_job_uid (str) -- ending descendant job UID

    • created_by_user_id (str) -- ID of user performing this operation

    • workspace_uid (str*,* optional) -- uid of workspace to clone jobs into, defaults to None

    • new_workspace_title (str*,* optional) -- Title of new workspace to create if a uid is not provided, defaults to None

  • Returns: dictionary with information about created jobs and workspace or None

  • Return type: dict | None

clone_jobs(project_uid: str, job_uids: List[str], created_by_user_id, workspace_uid=None, new_workspace_title=None)

Clone the given list of jobs. If any jobs are related, it will try to re-create the input connections between the cloned jobs (but maintain the same connections to jobs that were not cloned)

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project uid (e.g., "P3")

    • job_uids (list) -- List of job UIDs to delete (e.g., ["J1", "J2", "J3"])

    • created_by_user_id (str) -- ID of user performing this operation

    • workspace_uid (str*,* optional) -- uid of workspace to clone jobs into, defaults to None

    • new_workspace_title (str*,* optional) -- Title of new workspace to create if one is not provided, defaults to None

  • Returns: dictionary with information about created jobs and workspace

  • Return type: dict

compile_extensive_validation_benchmark_data(instance_information: dict, job_timings: dict)

Compile extensive validation benchmark data for upload

create_backup(backup_dir: str, backup_file: str)

Create a database backup in the given directory with the given file name

  • Parameters:

    • backup_dir (str) -- directory to create backup in

    • backup_file (str) -- filename of backup file

create_empty_project(owner_user_id: str, project_container_dir: str, title: str, desc: str | None = None, project_dir: str | None = None, export=True, hidden=False)

Creates a new project and project directory and creates a new document in the project collection


project_container_dir is an absolute path that the user guarantees is available everywhere.

  • Parameters:

    • owner_user_id (str) -- the _id of the user that owns the new project (which is also the user that requests to create the project)

    • project_container_dir (str) -- the path to the "root" directory in which to create the new project directory

    • title (str*,* optional) -- the title of the new project to create, defaults to None

    • desc (str*,* optional) -- the description of the new project to create, defaults to None

    • export (bool*,* optional) -- if True, outputs project details to disk for exporting to another instance, defaults to True

    • hidden (bool*,* optional) -- if True, outputs project details to disk for exporting to another instance, defaults to False

  • Returns: the new uid of the project that was created

  • Return type: str

create_empty_workspace(project_uid, created_by_user_id, created_by_job_uid=None, title=None, desc=None, export=True)

Add a new empty workspace to the given project.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • created_by_user_id (str) -- User _id that creates this workspace

    • created_by_job_uid (str*,* optional) -- Job UID that creates this workspace, defaults to None

    • title (str*,* optional) -- Workspace title,, defaults to None

    • desc (str*,* optional) -- Workspace description, defaults to None

    • export (bool*,* optional) -- If True, dumps workspace contents to disk for exporting to other CryoSPARC instances, defaults to True

  • Returns: UID of new workspace, e.g., "W4"

  • Return type: str

create_new_job(job_type, project_uid, workspace_uid, created_by_user_id, created_by_job_uid=None, title=None, desc=None, do_layout=True, dry_run=False, enable_bench=False, priority=None)

Create a new job


This request runs on its own thread, but locks on the "jobs" lock, so only one create can happen at a time.This means that the builder functions below can take as much time as they like to do stuff in their own thread (releasing GIL like IO or numpy etc) and command can still respond to other requests that don't require this lock.

  • Parameters:

    • job_type (str) -- the name of the job to create

    • project_uid (str) -- uid of the project

    • workspace_uid (str) -- uid of the workspace

    • created_by_user_id (str) -- the id of the user creating the job

    • created_by_job_uid (str) -- uid of the job that created this job

    • title (str) -- optional title of the job

    • desc (str) -- optional description of the job

    • do_layout (bool) -- specifies if the job tree layout should be recalculated, defaults to True

    • enable_bench (bool) -- should performance be measured for this job (benchmarking)

  • Returns: uid of the newly created job

  • Return type: str

  • Raises: AssertionError

create_tag(title: str, type: str, created_by_user_id: str, colour: str | None = None, description: str | None = None)

Create a new tag

  • Parameters:

    • title (str) -- tag name

    • type (str) -- tag type such as "general", "project", "workspace", "session" or "job"

    • created_by_user_id (str) -- user account ID performing this action

    • colour (str*,* optional) -- tag colour, may be "black", "red", green", etc., defaults to None

    • description (str*,* optional) -- detailed tag description, defaults to None

  • Returns: created tag document

  • Return type: dict

create_user(created_by_user_id: str, email: str, password: str, username: str, first_name: str, last_name: str, admin: bool = False)

Creates a new CryoSPARC user account

  • Parameters:

    • created_by_user_id (str) -- identity of user who is creating the new user

    • email (str) -- email of user to create

    • password (str) -- password of user to create

    • admin (bool*,* optional) -- specifies if user should have an administrator role or not, defaults to False

  • Returns: mongo _id of user that was created

  • Return type: str

delete_detached_project(project_uid: str)

Deletes large database entries such as streamlogs and gridFS for a detached project and marks the project and its jobs as deleted

delete_job(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, relayout=True, nofail=False, force=False)

Deletes a job after killing it (if running), clearing it, setting the "deleted" property, and recalculating the tree layout

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- uid of the project that contains the job to delete

    • job_uid (str) -- uid of the job to delete

    • relayout (bool) -- specifies if the tree layout should be recalculated or not

delete_jobs(project_job_uids: List[Tuple[str, str]], relayout=True, nofail=False, force=False)

Delete the given project-job UID combinations, provided in the following format:

[("PX", "JY"), ...]

Or the following is also valid:

[["PX", "JY"], ...]

Where PX is a project UID and JY is a job UID in that project

  • Parameters:

    • project_job_uids (list*[tuple[str,* str*]**]*) -- project-job UIDs to delete

    • relayout (bool*,* optional) -- whether to recompute the layout of the job tree, defaults to True

    • nofail (bool*,* optional) -- if True, ignore errors when deleting, defaults to False

delete_project(project_uid: str, request_user_id: str, jobs_to_delete: list | None = None, workspaces_to_delete: list | None = None)

Iterate through each job and workspace associated with the project to be deleted and delete both, and then disable the project.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- uid of the project to be deleted

    • request_user_id (str) -- _id of user requesting the project to be deleted

    • jobs_to_delete (list) -- list of all jobs to be fully deleted

    • workspaces_to_delete (list) -- list of all workspaces that will be deleted by association

  • Returns: string confirmation that the workspace has been deleted

  • Return type: str

  • Raises: AssertionError -- if for some reason a workspace isn't deleted, this will be thrown

delete_project_user_access(project_uid: str, requester_user_id: str, delete_user_id: str)

Removes a user's access from a project.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- uid of the project to revoke access to

    • requester_user_id (str) -- _id of the user requesting a user to be removed from the project

    • delete_user_id (str) -- uid of the user to remove from the project

  • Raises: AssertionError

delete_user(email: str, requesting_user_email: str, requesting_user_password: str)

Remove a user from the CryoSPARC. Only administrators may do this

  • Parameters:

    • email (str) -- user's email

    • requesting_user_email (str) -- your CryoSPARC login email

    • requesting_user_password (str) -- your CryoSPARC password

  • Returns: confirmation message

  • Return type: str

delete_workspace(project_uid: str, workspace_uid: str, request_user_id: str, jobs_to_delete_inside_one_workspace: list | None = None, jobs_to_update_inside_multiple_workspaces: list | None = None)

Asynchronously iterate through each job associated with the workspace to be deleted and either delete or update the job, and then disables the workspace

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- uid of the project containing the workspace to be deleted

    • workspace_uid (str) -- uid of the workspace to be deleted

    • request_user_id (str) -- uid of the user that is requesting the workspace to be deleted

    • jobs_to_delete_inside_one_workspace (list) -- list of all jobs to be fully deleted

    • jobs_to_update_inside_multiple_workspaces (list) -- list of all jobs to be updated so that the workspace uid is removed from its list of "workspace_uids"

  • Returns: string confirmation that the workspace has been deleted

  • Return type: str

detach_project(project_uid: str)

Detach a project by exporting, removing lockfile, then setting its detached property. This hides the project from the interface and allows other instances to attach and run this project.

  • Parameters: project_uid (str) -- target project UID to detach, e.g., "P3"

do_job(job_type: str, puid='P1', wuid='W1', uuid='devuser', params={}, input_group_connects={})

Create and run a job on the "default" node

  • Parameters:

    • job_type (str) -- type of job, e.g, "abinit"

    • puid (str*,* optional) -- project UID to create job in, defaults to 'P1'

    • wuid (str*,* optional) -- workspace UID to create job in, defaults to 'W1'

    • uuid (str*,* optional) -- User ID performing this action, defaults to 'devuser'

    • params (str*,* optional) -- parameter overrides for the job, defaults to {}

    • input_group_connects (dict*,* optional) -- input group connections dictionary, where each key is the input group name and each value is the parent output identifier, e.g., {"particles": "J1.particles"}, defaults to {}

  • Returns: created job UID

  • Return type: str


Get a summary of license validation checks

  • Returns: Text description of validation checks separated by newlines

  • Return type: str

enqueue_job(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, lane: str | None = None, user_id: str | None = None, hostname: str | None = None, gpus: List[int] | typing_extensions.Literal[False] = False, no_check_inputs_ready: bool = False)

Add the job in the given project to the queue for the given worker lane (default lane if not specified)

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- uid of the project containing the job to queue

    • job_uid (str) -- job uid to queue

    • lane (str*,* optional) -- name of the worker lane onto which to queue

    • hostname (str*,* optional) -- the hostname of the target worker node

    • gpus (list*,* optional) -- list of GPU indexes on which to queue the given job, defaults to False

    • no_check_inputs_ready (bool*,* optional) -- if True, forgoes checking whether inputs are ready (not recommended), defaults to False

  • Returns: job status (e.g., 'launched' if success)

  • Return type: str

  • Example:

enqueue_job('P3', 'J42', lane='cryoem1', user_id='62b64b77632103020e4e30a7')

export_job(project_uid: str, job_uid: str)

Start export for the given job into the project's exports directory

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- target job UID to export, e.g., "J42"

export_output_result_group(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, output_result_group_name: str, result_names: List[str] | None = None)

Start export of given output result group. Optionally specify which output slots to select for export

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- target job UID, e.g,. "J42"

    • output_result_group_name (str) -- target output, e.g., "particles"

    • result_names (list*,* optional) -- target result slots list, e.g., ["blob", "location"], exports all if unspecified, defaults to None

export_project(project_uid: str, override=False)

Ensure the given project is ready for transfer to another instance. Call detach_project once this is complete.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • override (bool*,* optional) -- force run even if recently exported, defaults to False


Generates a new uid for the CryoSPARC instance.

  • Parameters: force_takeover_projects (boolean*,* optional) -- If True, take overwrite existing lockfiles. If False, only creates lockfile in projects that don't already have one. Defaults to False

  • Returns: New instance UID

  • Return type: str


Get a list of available tag documents

  • Returns: list of tags

  • Return type: list

get_base_template_args(project_uid, job_uid, target)

Returns template arguments for cluster commands including: project_uid job_uid job_creator cryosparc_username project_dir_abs job_dir_abs job_log_path_abs job_type

get_cryosparc_log(service_name, days=7, date=None, max_lines=None, log_name='', func_name='', level='')

Get cryosparc service logs, filterable by date, name, function, and level

  • Parameters:

    • service_name (str) -- target service name

    • days (int*,* optional) -- number of days of logs to retrive, defaults to 7

    • date (str*,* optional) -- retrieve logs from a specific day formatted as "YYYY-MM-DD", defaults to None

    • max_lines (int*,* optional) -- maximum number of lines to retrieve, defaults to None

    • log_name (str*,* optional) -- name of internal logger type such as ", defaults to ""

    • func_name (str*,* optional) -- name of Python function producing logs, defaults to ""

    • level (str*,* optional) -- log severity level such as "INFO", "WARNING" or "ERROR", defaults to ""

  • Returns: Filtered log

  • Return type: str

get_default_job_priority(created_by_user_id: str)

Get the default job priority for jobs queued by the given user ID

  • Parameters: created_by_user_id (str) -- target user account _id

  • Returns: the integer priority, with 0 being the highest priority

  • Return type: int


Asynchronously update the available GPU information on all connected nodes


Default priority for jobs queued by users without an explicit priority set in Admin > User Management

  • Returns: Default priority config variable, 0 if never set

  • Return type: int

get_job(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, \*args, \*\*kwargs)

Get a job object with optionally only a few fields specified in *args

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- project UID

    • job_uid (str) -- uid of job

  • Returns: mongo result set

  • Return type: dict

  • Example:

get_job('P1', 'J1', 'status', 'job_type', 'project_uid')

get_job_chain(project_uid: str, start_job_uid: str, end_job_uid: str)

Get a list of jobs all jobs that are descendants of the start job and ancestors of the end job.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- project UID where jobs are located, e.g., "P3"

    • start_job_uid (str) -- starting ascenstor job UID

    • end_job_uid (str) -- ending descendant job UID

  • Returns: list of jobs in the job chain

  • Return type: str

get_job_creator_and_username(job_uid, user=None)

Returns job creator and username strings for cluster job submission

get_job_dir_abs(project_uid: str, job_uid: str)

Get the path to the given job's directory

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- target job UID, e.g., "J42"

  • Returns: absolute path to job log directory

  • Return type: str

get_job_log(project_uid: str, job_uid: str)

Get the full contents of the given job's standard output log

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- target job UID, e.g., "J42"

  • Returns: job log contents

  • Return type: str

get_job_log_path_abs(project_uid: str, job_uid: str)

Get the path to the given job's standard output log

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- target job UID, e.g., "J42"

  • Returns: absolute path to job log file

  • Return type: str

get_job_output_min_fields(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, output: str)

Get the minimum expected fields description for the given output name.

get_job_queue_message(project_uid: str, job_uid: str)

Get message stating why a job is queued but not running

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- job UID, e.g., "J42"

  • Returns: queue message

  • Return type: str

get_job_result(project_uid: str, source_result: str)

Get the output_results item that matches this source result

  • Code-block:: python

    source_result = JXX.output_group_name.result_name

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- id of the project

    • source_result (str) -- Source result

  • Returns: the result details from the database

  • Return type: dict


Retrieve available jobs, origanized by section

  • Returns: job sections

  • Return type: list[dict[str, Any]]

get_job_status(project_uid: str, job_uid: str)

Get the status of the given job

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- target job UID, e.g., "J42"

  • Returns: job status such as "building", "queued" or "completed"

  • Return type: str

get_job_streamlog(project_uid: str, job_uid: str)

Get a list of dictionaries representing the given job's event log

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- target job UID, e.g., "J42"

  • Returns: event log contents

  • Return type: str

Get a list of symbolic links in the given job directory

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g, "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- target job UID, e.g., "J42"

  • Returns: List of symlinks paths, either absolute or relative to job directory

  • Return type: list

get_jobs_by_section(project_uid, workspace_uid=None, sections=[], fields=[])

Get all jobs in a project belonging to the specified sections in the job register, optionally scoped to a workspace

get_jobs_by_status(status: str, count_only=False)

Get the list of jobs with the given status (or count if count_only is True)

  • Parameters:

    • status (str) -- Possible job status such as "building", "queued" or "completed"

    • count_only (bool*,* optional) -- If True, only return the integer count, defaults to False

  • Returns: List of job documents or count

  • Return type: list | int

get_jobs_by_type(project_uid, workspace_uid=None, types=[], fields=[])

Get all jobs matching the given types, optionally scoped to a workspace

get_jobs_size_by_section(project_uid: str, workspace_uid: str = None, sections: List[str] = [])

Gets the total job size for jobs belonging to the input sections of the job register


Get details about most recent database backup

  • Returns: activity document or {} if never backed up

  • Return type: dict


Get maintenance mode status.

  • Returns: True if set, False otherwise

  • Return type: bool

get_non_final_jobs(project_uid: str, workspace_uid: str = None, fields: List[str] = [])

Gets a list of job uids of all jobs not marked as a final result or ancestor of final result

get_non_final_jobs_size(project_uid: str, workspace_uid: str = None)

Gets total size of all jobs not marked as a final result or ancestor of final result


Get number of acquired licenses for running jobs

  • Returns: number of active licenses

  • Return type: int

get_project(project_uid: str, \*args)

Get information about a single project

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- the id of the project

    • args -- extra args (comma seperated) that contain the keys (if any) to project when returning the mongodb doc

  • Returns: the information related to the project thats stored in the database

  • Return type: str

get_project_dir_abs(project_uid: str)

Get the project's absolute directory with all environment variables in the path resolved

  • Parameters: project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

  • Raises: ValueError -- when the project does not exist

  • Returns: the absolute path to the project directory

  • Return type: str

get_project_jobs_by_status(project_uid, workspace_uid=None, statuses=[], fields=[])

Get all jobs matching the given statuses, optionally scoped to a workspace

Get all symbolic links in the given project directory

  • Parameters: project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

  • Returns: List symlink paths, either absolute or relative to project directory

  • Return type: str

get_project_title_slug(project_title: str)

Returns a slugified version of a project title

  • Parameters: project_title (str) -- Requested project title

  • Returns: URL- and file-system- safe slug of the given project title

  • Return type: str

get_result_download_abs_path(project_uid: str, result_spec: str)

Get the absolute path to the dataset for the given result type

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • result_spec (str) -- result slot name e.g., "J3.particles.blob"

  • Returns: absolute path

  • Return type: str


Get the current CryoSPARC version

  • Returns: e.g., v3.3.2

  • Return type: str


Get runtime diagnostics for the CryoSPARC instance

  • Returns: formatted with diagnostics

  • Return type: dict


Returns a list of lanes that are registered with the master scheduler

  • Returns: list of information about each lane

  • Return type: dicts

get_scheduler_target_cluster_info(name: str)

Get cluster information for given cluster name

  • Parameters: name (str) -- name of cluster/lane (lane must be of type 'cluster')

  • Returns: json string containing cluster information

  • Return type: str

  • Raises: AssertionError

get_scheduler_target_cluster_script(name: str)

Get cluster job submission template for specified cluster

  • Parameters: name (str) -- name of cluster/lane (lane must be of type 'cluster')

  • Returns: job scheduler script template

  • Return type: str

  • Raises: AssertionError


Returns a list of worker nodes that are registered with the master scheduler

  • Returns: list of information about each worker node

  • Return type: dicts

get_supervisor_log_latest(service: str, n: int = 50)

Read the last n lines from the given service log. Service must be one of the following:

  • "app"

  • "database"

  • "command_core"

  • "command_vis"

  • "command_rtp"

  • "app_api"

  • "app_legacy"

  • "supervisord"

  • Parameters:

    • service (str) -- Service to retrive logs for

    • n (int*,* optional) -- Number of lines to retrieve, defaults to 50

  • Returns: logs as a string separated by new lines

  • Return type: str


Returns system-related information related to the cryosparc app

  • Returns: dictionary listing information about cryosparc environment

  • Return type: dict


Get a dictionary of where keys are tag types and values are how many tags there are of each type

  • Returns: dict of integers

  • Return type: dict

get_tag_counts(tag_uid: str)

Get a dictionary of counts contining how many entities (e.g., projects, jobs) are tagged with the given tag UID

  • Parameters: tag_uid (str) -- target tag UID, e.g., "T1"

  • Returns: counts organized by entity type

  • Return type: str


Get all tags as a dictionary organized by tag type. Each key is a type such as "general" or "job" and each value is a list of tags

  • Returns: dict of lists of tags

  • Return type: dict

get_tags_of_type(tag_type: str)

Get a list of tags with the given type

  • Parameters: tag_type (str) -- tag type such as "general", "project", "job", etc.

  • Returns: List of tags with the given type

  • Return type: list

get_targets_by_lane(lane_name, node_only=False)

Returns a list of worker nodes that are registered with the master scheduler and are in the given lane

get_user_default_priority(email_address: str)

Get a user's priority when launching jobs. Defaults to the instance's configured job priority if not set.

  • Parameters: email_address (str) -- email for the target user

  • Returns: the job priority, defaulting to 0 if not set

  • Return type: int

get_user_lanes(email_address: str)

Retrieve a list of lens the user with the given email address is allowed to queue jobs to.

  • Parameters: email_address (str) -- target user account email address

  • Returns: list of lanes

  • Return type: list

get_user_tags(user_id: str)

Get a list of tags created by the given user account ID

  • Parameters: user_id (str) -- target user account ID

  • Returns: list of tags

  • Return type: list


Returns a list of worker nodes registered in the master scheduler

  • Returns: list of information about each worker node

  • Return type: dicts

get_workspace(project_uid, workspace_uid, \*args)

A helper function that returns the mongodb document of the workspace requested, only including the fields passed

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- the uid of the project that contains the workspace

    • workspace_uid (str) -- the uid of the workspace to retrieve

    • args -- extra args (comma seperated) that contain the keys (if any) to project when returning the mongodb doc

  • Returns: dict - the mongodb workspace document

import_job(owner_user_id: str, project_uid: str, workspace_uid: str, abs_path_export_job_dir: str)

Import the given exported job directory into the given project. Exported job directory must exist in the project directory. By convention, may be added into the "imports" directory

  • Parameters:

    • owner_user_id (str) -- _id of user performing this import operation

    • project_uid (str) -- project UID to import into, e.g., "P3"

    • workspace_uid (str) -- workspace UID to import into, e.g., "W1"

    • abs_path_export_job_dir (str) -- path to exported job directory. Must be inside the project directory.

import_jobs(jobs_manifest, abs_path_export_project_dir, new_project_uid, owner_user_id, notification_id)

Imports jobs using the job manifest

  • Parameters:

    • jobs_manifest (str) -- the job data loaded from a job_manifest.json file

    • abs_path_export_project_dir (str) -- the import project directory

    • new_project_uid (str) -- uid of the project to import the jobs into

    • owner_user_id (str) -- the id of the user importing the jobs

    • notification_id (str) -- the import project notification uid that will have its progress meter updated as import completes

import_project(owner_user_id: str, abs_path_export_project_dir: str)

Import any project directory that was previously exported by CryoSPARC

  • Parameters:

    • owner_user_id (str) -- the mongo object id ("_id") of the user requesting to import the project

    • abs_path_export_project_dir (str) -- the absolute project directory containing the jobs to import

import_workspaces(workspaces_doc_data, abs_path_export_project_dir, new_project_uid, owner_user_id, notification_id)

Imports workspaces and live sessions

  • Parameters:

    • workspaces_doc_data (str) -- workspace data loaded from workspaces.json file

    • abs_path_export_project_dir (str) -- the import project directory

    • new_project_uid (str) -- uid of the project to import the workspaces into

    • owner_user_id (str) -- the id of the user importing the workspaces

    • notification_id (str) -- import project notification uid that will have its progress meter updated as import completes

is_admin(user_id: str)

Returns True if the given user account ID has admin privileges

  • Parameters: user_id (str) -- _id property of the target user

  • Returns: Whether the user is an admin

  • Return type: bool

job_add_to_workspace(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, workspace_uid: str)

Adds a job to the specified workspace

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- the id of the project

    • job_uid (str) -- the id of the job to add

    • workspace_uid (str) -- the id of the workspace

  • Returns: the number of modified documents

  • Return type: int

job_cart_create(project_uid: str, workspace_uid: str, created_by_user_id: str, output_result_groups: list, new_job_type: str)

Given a list of output result groups and a job type, create the new job, and connect the output result groups to the input slots of the newly created job.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- project ID, e.g., P3

    • workspace_uid (str) -- workspace ID, e.g., W1

    • created_by_user_id (str) -- _id of user

    • output_result_groups (list) -- output result groups to connect to the input groups of the new job

    • new_job_type (str) -- the job type to create

job_clear_param(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, param_name: str)

Reset the given parameter to its default value.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- target job UID, e.g.,

    • param_name (str) -- target parameter name, e.g., "refine_symmetry"

  • Returns: whether the job has an build errors

  • Return type: bool

job_clear_streamlog(project_uid: str, job_uid: str)

Delete all entries from the given job's event log

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- target job UID, e.g., "J42"

  • Returns: delete result, including affected document count

  • Return type: dict

job_connect_group(project_uid: str, source_group: str, dest_group: str)

Connect the given source output group to the target input group. Each group must be formatted as <job uid>.<group name>

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- currenct project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • source_group (srr) -- source output group, e.g., "J1.movies"

    • dest_group (str) -- destination input group, e.g., "J2.exposures"

  • Returns: whether the job has any errors

  • Return type: bool

job_connect_result(project_uid: str, source_result: str, dest_slot: str)

Connect the given source output slot to the target input slot, where the main group (e.g., particles) remains but a set of fields (e.g., particles.blob) is added or replaced.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • source_result (str) -- output slot to connect, e.g., "J1.particles.blob"

    • dest_slot (str) -- input slot to connect to, e.g., "J2.particles.0.blob"

  • Returns: whether the job has any build errors

  • Return type: bool

job_connected_group_clear(project_uid: str, dest_group: str, connect_idx: int)

Clear the given job input group. Group must be formatted as <job uid>.<group name>

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- current project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • dest_group (str) -- Group to clear, e.g., "J2.exposures"

    • connect_idx (int) -- Connection index to clear when multiple outputs are connected to the same input. Set to 0 to clear the first input.

  • Returns: whether the job has any build errors

  • Return type: bool

job_connected_result_clear(project_uid: str, dest_slot: str, passthrough=False)

Clear a given input slot from a job, where the main group (e.g., particles) is left intact but a set of fields (e.g., particles.blob) is removed

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • dest_slot (str) -- input slot to clear, e.g., "J2.particles.0.blob"

    • passthrough (bool*,* optional) -- set to True the input slot was passed through from its parent output (though not strictly necessary), defaults to False

  • Returns: whether the job has any build errors

  • Return type: bool

job_find_ancestors(project_uid: str, job_uid: str)

Find all jobs that provided inputs to the given job by following the given job's inputs backward up the job tree.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- project UID where jobs reside, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- uid of job, e.g., "J42"

  • Returns: sorted list of job UIDs

  • Return type: list

job_find_descendants(project_uid: str, job_uid: str)

Find all jobs that the given job provided outputs to by following the given job's outputs forward down the job tree.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- project UID where jobs reside, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- uid of job, e.g., "J42"

  • Returns: sorted list of job UIDs

  • Return type: list

job_has_build_errors(project_uid: str, job_uid: str)

Whether the given job has any build errors

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- target job UID, e.g., "J42"

  • Returns: True or False

  • Return type: bool

Update symbolic links to imported data in the given job directory when the original data has been moved.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project uid, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- uid of target job, e.g. "J42"

    • prefix_cut (str) -- Old path prefix of external data, e.g., "/path/to/dataold"

    • prefix_new (str) -- New path prefix where external data has been moved, e.g., "/path/to/datanew"

  • Returns: number of replaced symbolic links

  • Return type: str

job_rebuild(project_uid: str, job_uid: str)

Re-run the builder for the given job to re-generate parameters and input slots

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID

    • job_uid (str) -- target job UID

job_remove_from_workspace(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, workspace_uid: str)

Removes a job from the specified workspace

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- the id of the project

    • job_uid (str) -- the id of the job to remove

    • workspace_uid (str) -- the id of the workspace

  • Returns: the number of modified documents

  • Return type: int

job_send_streamlog(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, message: str, error: bool = False, flags: List[str] = [], imgfiles: List[EventLogAsset] = [])

Add the given message to the target job's event log

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- target job uid, e.g., "J42"

    • message (str) -- Message to log

    • error (bool*,* optional) -- Whether to show as error, defaults to False

    • flags (list*[str]**,* optional) -- Additional event flags

    • imgfiles (list*[StreamlogAsset]*) -- Uploaded GridFS files to attach to event

  • Returns: Created mongo event ID

  • Return type: str

job_set_param(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, param_name: str, param_new_value: Any)

Set the given job parameter to the given value

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- target job UID, e.g., "J42"

    • param_name (str) -- target parameter name, e.g., "random_seed"

    • param_new_value (any) -- new parameter value

  • Returns: whether the job has any build errors

  • Return type: bool

kill_job(project_uid, job_uid, killed_by_user_id=None)

Kill the given running job

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- uid of the project that contain the job to kill

    • job_uid (str) -- job uid to kill

    • killed_by_user_id (str) -- ID of user that killed the job, optional

  • Raises: AssertionError


Get list of all projects available

  • Returns: all projects available in the database

  • Return type: list


Show a table of all CryoSPARC user accounts


List all workspaces inside a given project (or all projects if not specified)

  • Parameters: project_uid (str*,* optional) -- target project UID, e.g. "P1", defaults to None

  • Returns: list of workpaces in project or all projects if not specified

  • Return type: list

make_job(job_type: str, project_uid: str, workspace_uid: str, user_id: str, created_by_job_uid: str | None = None, title: str | None = None, desc: str | None = None, params: dict = {}, input_group_connects: dict = {}, enable_bench: bool = False, priority: int | None = None, do_layout: bool = True)

Create a new job with the given type in the given project/workspace

To see all available job types, see cryosparc_compute/jobs/ (look for the value of the contains keys).

To see what parameters are available for a job and what values are available, reference the file in cryosparc_compute/jobs that pertains to the desired job type.

  • Parameters:

    • job_type (str) -- Type of job

    • project_uid (str) -- project ID, e.g., P3

    • workspace_uid (str) -- workspace ID, e.g., W1

    • user_id (str) -- ID of user

    • created_by_job_uid (str*,* optional) -- ID of the parent job that created this, defaults to None

    • title (str*,* optional) -- Descriptive title for what this job is for, defaults to None

    • desc (str*,* optional) -- Detailed description, defaults to None

    • params (dict*,* optional) -- Parameter settings for the job, defaults to {}

    • input_group_connects (dict*,* optional) -- Connected input groups, which each key is name and each value has format JXX.output_group_name, defaults to {}

    • enable_bench (bool*,* optional) -- enable benchmarking stats for this job, defaults to False

    • priority (int*,* optional) -- job priority, defaults to None (use default priority)

    • do_layout (bool*,* optional) -- re-compute the workspace and project tree view after creating this job, defaults to True

  • Returns: ID of new job

  • Return type: str

  • Example:

The following makes a 3-class ab-initio job with particles connected from a Select 2D Classes job:

juid = cli.make_job(
    job_type='homo_abinit', project_uid='P3', workspace_uid='W1',
    user_id=cli.GetUser('')['_id'], params={'abinit_K':
    3}, input_group_connects={'particles': 'J41.particles_selected'})

print(juid)  # "J42"


Parses and returns a list of template variable names from the submission script and cluster commands in a cluster target :param target: a cluster target :return: list of template variable names :rtype: list[str]

propose_clone_job_chain(project_uid: str, start_job_uid: str, end_job_uid: str)

Deprecated - Old function name for get_job_chain() which was used only for cloning jobs


Reload the available input and parameter types on jobs created prior to a CryoSPARC update. Run this following a CryoSPARC update to ensure jobs run with the correct parameters.

  • Returns: list of the results of the mongodb query

  • Return type: dicts

remove_scheduler_lane(name: str)

Removes the specified lane and any targets assigned under the lane in the master scheduler


This will remove any worker node associated with the specified lane.

  • Parameters: name (str) -- the name of the lane to remove

remove_scheduler_target_cluster(name: str)

Removes the specified cluster/lane and any targets assigned under the lane in the master scheduler


This will remove any worker node associated with the specified cluster/lane.

  • Parameters: name (str) -- the name of the cluster/lane to remove

  • Returns: "True" if successful

  • Return type: bool

remove_scheduler_target_node(hostname: str)

Removes a target worker node from the master scheduler

  • Parameters: hostname (str) -- the hostname of the target worker node to remove

remove_tag(tag_uid: str)

Delete the given tag and remove it from all connected entitites

  • Parameters: tag_uid (str) -- target tag UID, e.g., "T1"

  • Returns: contains deleted count

  • Return type: dict

remove_tag_from_job(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, tag_uid: str)

Remove the given tag from the job

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- target job UID, e.g., "W1"

    • tag_uid (str) -- target tag UID, e.g., "T1"

  • Returns: contains modified jobs count

  • Return type: dict

remove_tag_from_project(project_uid: str, tag_uid: str)

Remove the given tag from the given projet

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • tag_uid (str) -- target tag UID, e.g., "T1"

  • Returns: contains modified project count

  • Return type: dict

remove_tag_from_session(project_uid: str, session_uid: str, tag_uid: str)

Remove the given tag from the session

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • session_uid (str) -- target session UID, e.g., "W1"

    • tag_uid (str) -- target tag UID, e.g., "T1"

  • Returns: contains modified sessions count

  • Return type: dict

remove_tag_from_workspace(project_uid: str, workspace_uid: str, tag_uid: str)

Remove the given tag from the workspace

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • workspace_uid (str) -- target workspace UID, e.g., "W1"

    • tag_uid (str) -- target tag UID, e.g., "T1"

  • Returns: contains modified workspaces count

  • Return type: dict

request_delete_project(project_uid: str, request_user_id: str)

Confirm what jobs and workspaces will be deleted when requesting to delete a project. Does not perform the deletion (see delete_project).

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- uid of the project to be deleted

    • request_user_id (str) -- _id of user requesting the project to be deleted

  • Returns: If the project does not have any jobs or workspaces related to it, will "disable" the project and return a string confirmation.

  • Return type: str

  • Returns: If the project has jobs or workspaces associated with it, returns 2 lists. First list are all non-deleted jobs that exist in the project, and second list are all workspaces within the project to be deleted.

  • Return type: tuple

request_delete_workspace(project_uid: str, workspace_uid: str, request_user_id: str)

Confirm what jobs be deleted when requesting to delete a workspace. Call delete_workspace with results to perform deletion

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- uid of the project containing the workspace to be deleted

    • workspace_uid (str) -- uid of the workspace to be deleted

  • Returns: If the workspace does not have any jobs related to it, "disables" the workspace and returns a string confirmation.

  • Return type: str

  • Returns: If the workspace has jobs associated with it, returns 2 lists. First list includes jobs only within the given workspace and can be deleted, and second list includes jobs that are a part of other workspaces and should not be deleted.

  • Return type: tuple


Generate a password reset token for a user with the given email. The token will appear in the Admin > User Management interface.

  • Parameters: email (str) -- email address of target user account

reset_password(email, newpass)

Reset a cryosparc user's password

  • Parameters:

    • email (str) -- the user's email address

    • password (str) -- the user's new password

  • Returns: the number of modified documents

  • Return type: str

run_external_job(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, status: typing_extensions.Literal[running, waiting] = 'waiting')

Special run method which marks an External job as running or waiting.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- Project UID of target job

    • job_uid (str) -- Job UI

    • status (str*,* optional) -- Status to run with, defaults to "waiting"

save_extensive_validation_benchmark_data(instance_information: dict, job_timings: dict)

Save extensive validation benchmark data to database for visulisation in UI


On every startup, this function is called to repopulate the benchmark_references collection.

set_cluster_job_custom_vars(project_uid, job_uid, cluster_job_custom_vars)

Set a job's custom variables for cluster submission

set_instance_banner(active: bool, title: str | None = None, body: str | None = None)

Set an instance banner as active or inactive. Updates title and body if provided.

  • Parameters:

    • active (bool) -- True/False to activate/deactivate

    • title (str*,* optional) -- Banner title, defaults to None

    • body (str*,* optional) -- Banner body, defaults to None

  • Returns: title and body

  • Return type: dict


Set the default priority for jobs queued by users without an explicit priority set in Admin > User Management

  • Parameters: priority (int) -- Non-negative priority number

set_job_final_result(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, is_final_result: bool)

Sets job final result flag and updates flags for all jobs in the project

set_login_message(active: bool, title: str | None = None, body: str | None = None)

Set an login message as active or inactive. Updates title and body if provided.

  • Parameters:

    • active (bool) -- True/False to activate/deactivate

    • title (str*,* optional) -- Login message title, defaults to None

    • body (str*,* optional) -- Login message body, defaults to None

  • Returns: title and body

  • Return type: dict

set_maintenance_mode(maintenance_mode: bool)

Set maintenance mode status.

  • Parameters: maintenance_mode (bool) -- True to enable, False to disable

set_project_owner(project_uid: str, user_id: str)

Updates a project's owner

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID to update, e.g., "P3"

    • user_id (str) -- the owner's user id

set_project_param_default(project_uid: str, param_name: str, value: Any)

Set a default value for a given parameter name globally for the given project

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • param_name (str) -- target parameter name, e.g., "compute_use_ssd"

    • value (Any) -- target parameter default value

set_scheduler_target_node_cache(hostname: str, cache_reserve: int | None = None, cache_quota: int | None = None)

Sets the cache reserve and cache quota for a target worker node

  • Parameters:

    • hostname (str) -- the hostname of the target worker node

    • cache_reserve (int*,* optional) -- the size (in MB) to reserve on the SSD for the cryosparc cache

    • cache_quota (int*,* optional) -- the max size (in MB) to use on the SSD for the cryosparc cache

  • Raises: AssertionError

set_scheduler_target_node_lane(hostname, lane)

Sets the lane of a target worker node

  • Parameters:

    • hostname (str) -- the hostname of the target worker node

    • lane (str) -- the name of the lane to assign to the target worker node:

  • Returns: target worker node's updated configurations

  • Return type: list

  • Raises: AssertionError

set_scheduler_target_property(hostname: str, key: str, value: Any)

Set a property for the target worker node

  • Parameters:

    • hostname (str) -- the hostname of the target worker node

    • key (str) -- the key of the property whose value is being modified

    • value (str) -- the actual value to set for the property

  • Returns: information about all targets

  • Return type: list

  • Raises: AssertionError

set_user_allowed_prefix_dir(user_id: str, allowed_prefix: str)

Sets directories that users are allowed to query from the file browser

  • Parameters:

    • user_id (str) -- the mongo id of the user to update

    • allowed_prefix (str) -- the path of the directory the user can query inside (must start with "/", and must be an absolute path)

  • Returns: True if successful

  • Return type: bool

  • Raises: AssertionError

set_user_default_priority(email_address: str, priority: int)

Set a user's priority when launching jobs. This is equivalent to changing the Default Job Priority in the Admin > User Management interface.

  • Parameters:

    • email_address (_type_) -- _description_

    • priority (_type_) -- _description_

set_user_lanes(email_address: str, assigned_lanes: List[str])

Only allow a user account with the given email address to queue to the given lanes.

  • Parameters:

    • email_address (str) -- target user account email

    • assigned_lanes (list) -- list of lane names to assign

set_user_state_var(user_id: str, key: str, value: Any, set_on_insert_only: bool = False)

Updates a user's state variable

  • Parameters:

    • user_id (str) -- the user's id

    • key (str) -- the name of the key to update or insert

    • value (str) -- the actual value to insert under the key in the state variable

    • set_on_insert_only (bool*,* optional) -- specifies if setOnInsert should be used (if the update op results in an insertion of a document, this will assign the specified values to the fields in the doc), defaults to False

  • Returns: confirmation that the update happened successfully

  • Return type: bool

start_worker_test(project_uid: str, test_type: str = 'all', targets: list | None = None, verbose: bool = True)

Launch a test to ensure CryoSPARC can correctly queue to all or only the given list of targets

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID to launch test int

    • test_type (str*,* optional) -- 'all', 'launch', 'ssd' or 'gpu', defaults to 'all'

    • targets (list*,* optional) -- list of targets to test, omit to test all, defaults to None

    • verbose (bool*,* optional) -- if True, show extended log information, defaults to True

take_over_project(project_uid, force=False)

Write a lockfile to an existing project so that no CryoSPARC instances outside of the current one may modify it.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • force (bool*,* optional) -- If True, (over-)write the lock file even if a lock file already exists, defaults to False

  • Raises: Exception -- If lock file cannot be written

  • Returns: True if takeover succeeded

  • Return type: bool


Write lockfiles to all existing projects so that no CryoSPARC instances outside of the current one may modify it.

  • Parameters: force (bool*,* optional) -- Takeover all projects even if they already have a lock file from a diffeent instance, defaults to False

test_authentication(project_uid, job_uid)

Test if a worker running a job can correctly authenticate with command_core


Check the connection to the command_core service. Returns True if the connection succeeded.

  • Parameters: sleep_time (float*,* optional) -- How long to sleep for, in seconds, defaults to 0

  • Returns: True if connection succeeded

  • Return type: bool

unarchive_project(project_uid: str, abs_path_to_project_dir: str)

Reverse archive operation.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • abs_path_to_project_dir (str) -- Project directory to unarchive from

unset_project_param_default(project_uid: str, param_name: str)

Clear the per-project default value for the given parameter name.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • param_name (str) -- target parameter name, e.g., "compute_use_ssd"

update_all_job_sizes(asynchronous=True, sleep_time=0)

Recompute the folder sizes of all jobs

  • Parameters:

    • asynchronous (bool*,* optional) -- if True, returns immediately and computes sizes in the background, defaults to True

    • sleep_time (float*,* optional) -- if asynchronous is True, waits the given number of seconds before proceeding, defaults to 0

update_final_result_statuses(project_uid: str)

Update jobs in a project to have the correct flags set when marked as final or as an ancestor of marked as final

update_job(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, attrs: dict, operation='$set')

Update a specific job's document with the provided attributes

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- project UID

    • job_uid (str) -- uid of job

    • attrs (dict) -- the attribute to modify in the job document

    • operation (str*,* optional) -- the operation to perform on the document, defaults to '$set'


Restore tree view if broken following an import

  • Parameters: project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

update_project(project_uid: str, attrs: dict, operation='$set', export=True)

Update a project's attributes

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- the id of the project to update

    • attrs (dict) -- the key to update and its value

    • operation (str) -- the type of mongodb operation to perform

  • Example:

update_project(project_uid, {'project_dir' : new_abs_path})

update_project_directory(project_uid: str, new_project_dir: str)

Safely updates the project directory of a project given a directory. Checks if the directory exists, is readable, and writeable.

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- uid of the project to update

    • new_project_dir_container (str) -- the new directory

update_project_root_dir(project_uid: str, new_project_dir_container: str)

Updates the root directory of a project (creates a new project (PXXX) folder within the new root directory and updates the project document)


the root project directory passed cannot contain a folder with the same project (PXXX) folder name

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- uid of the project to update

    • new_project_dir_container (str) -- the new "root" path where the project (PXXX) folder is to be created

update_project_size(project_uid: str, use_prt: bool = True)

Calculates the size of the project. Similar to running du -sL inside the project dir

  • Parameters: project_uid (str) -- Unique ID of project to update, e.g., "P3"

update_session(project_uid: str, session_uid: str, attrs: dict, operation='$set')

Similar to update_workspace, but for sessions

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • session_uid (str) -- target session UID, e.g., "S5"

    • attrs (dict) -- Attributes to update

    • operation (str*,* optional) -- mongo operation type, defaults to '$set'

update_tag(tag_uid: str, title: str | None = None, colour: str | None = None, description: str | None = None)

Update the title, colour and/or description of the given tag UID

  • Parameters:

    • tag_uid (str) -- target tag UID, e.g., "T1"

    • title (str*,* optional) -- new value for title, defaults to None

    • colour (str*,* optional) -- new value of colour, defaults to None

    • description (str*,* optional) -- new value of description, defaults to None

  • Returns: updated tag document

  • Return type: dict

update_user(email: str, password: str, username: str | None = None, first_name: str | None = None, last_name: str | None = None, admin: bool | None = None)

Updates a cryosparc user's details. Email and password are required, other params will only be set if they are not empty.

  • Parameters:

    • email (str) -- the user's email address

    • password (str) -- the user's password

    • username (str*,* optional) -- new username of the user

    • first_name (str*,* optional) -- new given name of the user

    • last_name (str*,* optional) -- new surname of the user

    • admin (bool*,* optional) -- whether the user should be admin or not

  • Returns: confirmation message if successful or not

  • Return type: str

update_workspace(project_uid: str, workspace_uid: str, attrs: dict, operation='$set', export=True)

Update properties for the given workspace

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • workspace_uid (str) -- target workspace UID, e.g., "W4"

    • attrs (dict) -- Attributes to update

    • operation (str*,* optional) -- mongo operation type, defaults to '$set'

    • export (bool*,* optional) -- Whether to dump this workspace to disk export to other instances, defaults to True

upload_extensive_validation_benchmark_data(instance_information: dict, job_timings: dict)

Upload extensive validation benchmark data

validate_enqueue_job(project_uid, job_uid, interactive, lightweight, lane, hostname)

Validate a job's queueing configuration


Check whether the active license ID is valid. If the license is invalid, use dump_license_validation_results() to get additional details.

  • Returns: True if valid, False otherwise.

  • Return type: bool

validate_project_creation(project_title: str, project_container_dir: str)

Validate project title and container directory for a project creation request.

  • Parameters:

    • project_title (str) -- title of the project

    • project_container_dir (str) -- container directory of the project

  • Returns: dict with a slug of the project name, validity, and a message if the request was invalid

  • Return type: dict

verify_cluster(name: str)

Ensure cluster has been properly configured by executing a generic 'info' command

  • Parameters: name (str) -- name of cluster/lane (lane must be of type 'cluster')

  • Returns: the result of the command execution

  • Return type: str

  • Raises: AssertionError

wait_job_complete(project_uid: str, job_uid: str, timeout: int | float = 5)

Hold the request and prevent from returning until the given job status is "completed", the given timeout is reached or the global command client request timeout is reached (default 300 seconds)

  • Parameters:

    • project_uid (str) -- target project UID, e.g., "P3"

    • job_uid (str) -- target job UID, e.g., "J42"

    • timeout (float*,* optional) -- how long to wait in seconds, defaults to 5

  • Returns: the job status when the timeout is reached

  • Return type: str

get_email_by_id(user_id: str)

Get the registered email address for the user account with the given ID

  • Parameters: user_id (str) -- _id property of the target user account

  • Returns: first email property in the database, or safe default value if not found

  • Return type: str

get_id_by_email(email: str)

Get the _id property for the user account with the given email address

  • Parameters: email (str) -- target user email address

  • Raises: ValueError -- If user is not found

  • Returns: _id property of the target user

  • Return type: str

get_id_by_email_password(email: str, password: str)

Retrieve the ID for a user given their email and password. Raises error if matching email/password combo is not found.

  • Parameters:

    • email (str) -- Target user email address

    • password (str) -- Target user password

  • Returns: ID of requesting user

  • Return type: str

get_user_id(user: str)

Get a user's ID by one of its unique identifiers, including email, username and the ID itself. Returns None if user ID is not found or given identifier is not unique.

get_username_by_id(user_id: str)

Get the registered user name for the user account with the given ID

  • Parameters: user_id (str) -- _id property of the target user account

  • Returns: name property in the database

  • Return type: str

Last updated