CryoSPARC Live Tutorial Videos

CryoSPARC Live Walkthrough

Join us while we process cryo-EM data (EMPIAR-10288) using cryoSPARC Live. We'll walk you through the interface and process this dataset from start to finish.

CryoSPARC Live is available with the cryoSPARC software platform:

How to Access cryoSPARC Live

For more information about starting your own Session in cryoSPARC Live, see:

New Live Session: Start to Finish Guide

Download EMPIAR-10288, the dataset used in this walkthrough:

The gain reference file provided in this dataset is in a file format (.dm4) that cryoSPARC doesn't support. Click this link to download a compatible version of the gain reference to use in cryoSPARC.

Parameters Used For Data Processing:

  • Microscope/Camera

    • Raw pixel size (Å): 0.86

    • Accelerating voltage (kV): 300

    • Spherical aberration (mm): 2.7

    • Total exposure dose (e/Å^2): 58

    • Advanced: Flip gain ref in Y? : True

  • Blob Picker

    • Minimum particle diameter (Å): 100

    • Maximum particle diameter (Å): 150

    • Advanced: Use elliptical blob: True

    • Extraction box size (pix): 320

  • Advanced: Fourier crop to box size (pix): 240

Webinar - Real-time cryo-EM analysis for all: cryoSPARC Live

Learn how cryoSPARC Live, a seamless real-time 2D and 3D processing system for single particle cryo-EM, accelerates time-to-structure and drives rapid insights into sample characteristics and data quality, enabling decision making while the sample is still in the microscope.

CryoSPARC Live is not just for facilities; it is also the fastest, simplest way for beginners and experts alike to process cryo-EM data that has already been collected. We will cover use cases, performance considerations, real-time experimentation and practical workflows, and will be joined by two expert guest speakers, Giovanna Scapin (NIS) and Craig Yoshioka (PNCC), who will discuss how they use cryoSPARC Live in practice in both industry and academic settings.

cryoSPARC Live: 10-Minute Overview

For more information about starting your own Session in cryoSPARC Live, see:

New Live Session: Start to Finish Guide

Last updated