Job: Create Templates
Create templates for particle picking.
Generate projection-based templates from a given input volume. Templates are generated from evenly sampled projection directions around the encompassing sphere, as according to the SK97 sampling algorithm.
Common Parameters
Number of equally-spaced templates to generate
Zeropadding factor for interpolation
This is the multiplicative factor that determines the internal box size, by multiplying the original box size; the real-space volume is zeropadded out to this size
Higher zeropadding factors can increase the interpolation quality, at the expense of increased CPU memory
Output size
The desired box size of the output templates
Templates (
Below is an example of generating 20 equally spaced templates from a refined T20S Proteasome structure.
Common Next Steps
The most common use of templates is for subsequent particle picking from micrographs, using the Template Picker job. You may also use a Select 2D job to subset certain templates from the output stack.
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