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Last updated
July 2024
Automation of single particle cryo-EM workflows can be very useful in a drug discovery context, especially when working on multiple structures within a similar class of targets. Using 8 publicly-available active state GPCR datasets, we walk through how to use new tools in CryoSPARC for one-click processing that in many cases can meet or exceed the resolution and map quality obtained from manual processing.
New tools covered include (v4.4+) for automating the entire workflow, (v4.5+) and Junk Detector (pre-trained micrograph segmentation tool, in development) for improved particle picking, for automated selection of good 2D classes, along with the use of decoy volumes for curation in 3D, and finally, and for selecting volumes and performing final refinements.
May 2024
Modern cryo-EM datasets are typically several terabytes in size and often take over a day to collect. With traditional batch-based processing, users must wait for all files to be available on their local machine before beginning to process them. Moreover, processing must be performed entirely in serial, forcing later steps to wait until earlier steps (like motion correction) have completed.
This talk covers the advantages of using CryoSPARC Live™, an on-the-fly processing system built in to CryoSPARC™. Movies are processed as they arrive, and later steps (like particle curation, 2D classification, and 3D refinement) can be performed in parallel with motion correction. This dramatically improves throughput, in some cases producing a high-quality 3D map even before all movies have been preprocessed.
A version of this talk was originally presented at the Pacific Northwest Center for CryoEM (PNCC) in May 2024.
June 2021
Learn how CryoSPARC Live, a seamless real-time 2D and 3D processing system for single particle cryo-EM, accelerates time-to-structure and drives rapid insights into sample characteristics and data quality, enabling decision making while the sample is still in the microscope.
CryoSPARC Live is not just for facilities; it is also the fastest, simplest way for beginners and experts alike to process cryo-EM data that has already been collected. We cover use cases, performance considerations, real-time experimentation and practical workflows, and are joined by two expert guest speakers, Giovanna Scapin (NIS) and Craig Yoshioka (PNCC), who discuss how they use CryoSPARC Live in practice in both industry and academic settings.
June 2020
Learn how the new 3D Variability Analysis (3DVA) algorithm in CryoSPARC can reveal new functional and biological insight into the conformational and flexible motion dynamics of a protein molecule from single particle cryo-EM data.
We will cover the new concepts introduced by the algorithm, interpretation of results, several case studies and examples, practical considerations to keep in mind when working on your own data, and live audience Q&A. 3DVA has already been used in many notable structural studies to shed light on protein dynamics, including GPCR structures and the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
May 2019
Educational webinar hosted by Structura Biotechnology Inc., Merck and NVIDIA on how cryo-EM offers value for drug discovery and structure-based drug design, on targets like GPCRs and membrane proteins. Covers: why is cryo-EM useful for drug discovery; computational aspects involved in cryo-EM structure determination; future advancements.
CryoSPARC webinar recordings.