Job: Simulate Data (GPU)

Generate simulated particles from an input volume.


This job generates simulated particles from an input volume by projecting, CTF corrupting, and adding noise. This is an advanced job type that is not intended for common workflows.


  • Volume with map result

  • Mask (optional)

  • Particles (optional)

Common Parameters

Simulation Parameters

  • Number of particles to generate: Specifies the number of particles to simulate.

  • Noise Model: Either "white", or "none". A white noise model will add Gaussian white noise to the simulated particles at the specified signal to noise ratio. Set to "none" for no noise.

CTF Parameters

  • Read CTF from input particles: If set to True and input particles are connected, the ctf information will be read from the particles and applied to the simulated images.

Alignment Parameters

  • Read alignments from input particles: If set to True and the input particles are connected, the 3D alignments will be read from the particles and used to generate the simulated images.

  • Standard deviation of shift magnitude: This specifies the standard deviation of the normal distribution that shifts are sampled from. The distribution is centered at the origin.


  • Particles with blob, ctf, and alignments3D

Example Images

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