Job: Template Picker

Template-based picking.


  • Auto-pick particles from micrographs using a template generated from 2D classification in CryoSPARC, or from a template imported from elsewhere.


  • One or more templates (generated in CryoSPARC or elsewhere)

  • Aligned/motion-corrected micrographs

Common Parameters

  • Particle diameter in Angstrom: Enter the average diameter of the particle in Angstroms.

  • Min. separation dist (diameters): To avoid particles being picked twice, picks are not allowed to be any closer than this value. The default value of 0.5 means that particles could be touching, but not overlapping (i.e., their centers must be 1 particle diameter apart).

  • Pick on denoised micrographs: By default, Template Picker will pick particles on raw micrographs even if denoised micrographs are available. Turning this parameter on will pick particles using the denoised micrographs. This may be helpful if the contrast is very poor. Regardless of this setting, particles will ultimately be extracted from the raw micrographs.

    • When this setting is turned on, it will automatically turn off Use CTFs to filter the templates. This is because the denoiser reduces the effect of the CTF on the micrograph, and so the templates match particle locations in denoised micrographs better without application of the CTF.


  • Particles

Common Next Steps

  • Inspect picks

Last updated