Create and Build Jobs
Job Builder
From within a workspace, use the Job Builder to search for and create new jobs.
Once you choose a job type, click on it to transition into the 'Building' view of the job builder.
Tutorial: Job Builder
For a detailed overview of how to use the Job Builder in cryoSPARC, please see:
Tutorial: Job Builder (≤v3.3)Inputs and parameters
Enter any required parameters, and connect any required inputs. Inputs to a job are the data or files that will be processed by the job. For example, the input to a Patch CTF Estimation job are micrographs. Inputs for a job can come from the Workspace in which you are actively working, or any other Workspace within your current Project.
See All Job Types in cryoSPARC for detailed information about the inputs, parameters and outputs for each job type.
Drag and drop to connect
Connect the required input(s) by dragging and dropping the output(s) from another job.
If you have successfully connected the output(s), you will see the job number appear below the input, as well as an option to Remove if you have accidentally connected the wrong output:
Default and spec parameters
CryoSPARC v2 populates default parameters for most jobs where necessary. To show additional parameters, toggle to Advanced Mode at the top right hand corner of the Job Builder:
All default parameters are indicated with a blue D. If you modify a parameter, it will be indicated with a green S. To restore the default value, click on the x to the right of the parameter you wish to restore.
Once satisfied that you have successfully dragged the required input(s) and modified any applicable parameters, click' Queue' to launch the job.
Queue Job, Inspect Job and Other Job ActionsCancel a building Job
You can cancel building a job by clicking 'Cancel' at the bottom of the Job Builder at any time. Doing so will make the job inactive as shown below. To resume building the job, click on the 'Building' button in the middle of the job card, or, select the job card and press B
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