

CryoSPARC jobs encapsulate one unit of processing work each. During your data processing work, you will create many jobs within each workspace and project. Each job uses inputs from other jobs (parents) and creates outputs that can be connected to downstream jobs (children).

Most of the actions you will perform will be related to jobs. Interaction with jobs is done by viewing the jobs within a workspace in a project.

When you first enter a workspace, the content area will display all jobs using the card view by default, with an ascending sort order. Jobs can also be viewed in the table view, and with the job tree view.

Job Card

Job cards show in a variety of sizes and with a variety of overlaid information depending on the job type. The basic job metadata that is displayed is consistent for all job types.

  • The lefthand side of the job card header shows the job’s ID and a status indicator with the colour of the job’s current status (e.g., green for completed, red for failed, etc). The whole lefthand side of the header is a button that will open the job dialog when clicked, this is further demarcated by the “open dialog” icon on the right side of this button.

  • The righthand side of the header shows all of the available job actions. These are the toggle for outputs view, the action menu trigger, and the star button.

  • The outputs view toggle will change the main content area of the job card to a list of all of the job’s outputs (usable in the “Job Cart” and further explained in the “Creating and Running Jobs” section of the documentation).

Central Content Area

  • Job Title: This is an optional field to give your job a unique title in addition to its assigned identifier.

  • Image View: This view shows any available output images set across the content area of the card. The corners of the content area are populated with at-a-glance information about the outputs, such as number of particles or classes. This view allows you to get a quick overview of your job without opening it.

  • Outputs View: The outputs view can be accessed either by clicking the outputs view toggle in the card header, or by holding down the shift key to switch the view on all cards in the grid. This view shows a list of all of the outputs associated with the selected job. When clicked, these outputs will be added to the new “Job Cart” system, and allow you to filter sequential jobs if their inputs match the selected outputs (this feature can only be used with a workspace selected).

  • Job Description: The description is an optional text field that can be added and edited in the sidebar. This field supports markdown and will turn into a scrollable sub-section if a non-trivial amount of information is added.

  • The footer contains a variety of information to gain a better idea of the processing that occurred within a job at a glance. Each icon can be hovered to reveal a tooltip with additional relevant information.

    • The timer shows how long your job has been running or how long it ran for. It can be hovered to show who created the job and when they created it.

    • The lane icon shows the name of the lane to which the job has been assigned. Hovering will show the target name and type.

    • The GPU icon shows the number of GPUs used by the job, and if running, will show the names of the GPUs in use. Hovering will show the number of GPUs used and available on the target.

    • The gear icon shows the number of custom parameters set on the job, hovering shows those parameters and their values.

    • Tag pill buttons are shown beside the tag icon, representing the tags that have been applied to the job. Clicking on these tag buttons will set the given tag as a filter in the current view.

Job Actions Menu

The job quick actions menu contains all of the actions that are available in the sidebar “Actions Palette”, as well a number of unique actions. You can access the actions menu by clicking the trigger button in a card header (the trigger button is represented by an icon with three horizontal dots) or by right clicking on the card or row.

Job Core Actions

  • Queue Job

  • Link Job

  • Move Job

  • Clone Job

  • Kill Job

  • Clear Job

  • Clear Intermediate Results

  • Export Job

  • Mark Job as Complete

  • Unlink Job from Workspace

  • Delete Job

Job Compound Actions

(These actions can only be performed with multiple jobs selected.)

  • Clone (x) Jobs

  • Clone Job Chain (only available for valid chains of jobs)

  • Delete (x) Jobs

Job Quick Create Actions

  • Quick create actions are touched on in more detail in the “Creating and running jobs” section of the documentation. These actions allow the creation of subsequent jobs in a chain, which will be automatically built with inputs connected from the parent job.

Job Secondary Actions

  • Edit tags

Job Navigation Actions

  • View workspaces in project

  • View jobs in project’s workspace

When viewing jobs in the main content area, there is a unique footer that not only shows the total job count and CSV download button, but also two quick filter options for job types and statuses (not shown on the tree view). These menus will only show the job types and statuses available within your current selection, and make adding and removing relevant filters quick and easy.

Last updated